For elderly men sitting on a bench

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By Steven McGinty

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted, is the most terrible poverty“– Mother Teresa

Yet, for many older people, loneliness and social isolation are the normal state of affairs. A recent study by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that 34% of people aged 52 and over felt lonely often or sometimes, with this figure reaching 46% for people aged 80 or over. Rather worryingly, a report by Age UK also suggested that over half of older people consider the television as their main source of company.

In many respects, these figures may not be too surprising, with some arguing that this is simply the by-product of changing societal attitudes. Conversely, it could also be said that these changes are a response to the demands of busy modern life. For example, a report published by the Royal Voluntary Service highlights that, because of uncertainty in the job market, many children have to move away from their parents for work reasons. The impact of this is that many older people are seeing their families less and less, with 48% of parents only seeing their children once every two to six months.

The reasons for this ‘loneliness epidemic’, as some have called it, will be deliberated for years to come. However, the need for policy makers to address the situation can quite clearly be seen if we start to look at the impact loneliness and social isolation has on the health of older people. For instance, the evidence suggests that those who are lonely have a 64% increased risk of developing clinical dementia. They are also more likely to suffer from physical conditions such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, as well as mental health issues, including: anxiety; stress; and depression. Further, those who are lonely are far more likely to make poor lifestyle choices, such as: drinking excessively; smoking; and being overweight.

Therefore, what should be done to address loneliness and social isolation? There are a few different approaches discussed in the recent literature: group interventions; individual interventions; community wide interventions; and the use of information services. However, no matter what the option chosen by local communities, or even if a combination is chosen, it is clear that in a time of shrinking public sector budgets, proving a scheme’s cost effectiveness is a must.

One relatively cost effective option is befriending services. These involve identifying vulnerable people and providing them with support. They can be particularly effective at reaching people with obvious needs, such as the elderly leaving hospital and returning home. One estimate has put the cost per person of a befriending service at £300, with the approximate savings (the need for further treatment etc.) being around £900. In addition, Portsmouth City Council reports that from an £80,000 investment in mentoring and befriending services, they have saved an estimated £315,000 in home care costs. Portsmouth also highlights the improved health and well-being outcomes, noting that there has been a reduction in falls in the home since the schemes were introduced.

In conclusion, tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people is both necessary and achievable.  From a moral perspective; it is important that vulnerable groups in society, such as older people, are supported to enable them to live healthy and happy lives. From an economic perspective; the cost of dementia care and the treatment of the elderly in hospitals, mean that we have to become more efficient at preventing health problems.  Both these arguments highlight the importance of policy makers prioritising this situation and supporting those who work directly with older people.


Further reading (you may need to be a member to view some of these articles):

The Idox Information Service has a wealth of research reports, articles, case studies and evaluations on social exclusion. For more information on the service, click here.

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