The Knowledge Exchange publishes a bi-monthly journal covering all aspects of planning and environmental law in Scotland. SPEL Journal (Scottish Planning & Environmental Law) launched over 30 years ago and is one of the leading information sources on land use planning and environmental legislation across the country.
Recent issues of SPEL have included responses and comment on the draft NPF4 as well as articles focusing on other key policy and practice areas:
- The failure of planning guidance to reflect the impact of noise on wildlife
- National development planning for Scotland’s rural areas
- The draft NPF4, energy and the move to net zero
- The Scottish Government’s onshore wind policy review
- Access to justice in environmental litigation, and non-compliance in Scotland’s civil justice system with the Aarhus Convention
Key court cases examined recently in the journal include:
- R v The Environment Agency – Pollution harmful to a vulnerable child
- Greenpeace Ltd v The Advocate General – Unsuccessful challenge to oil field exploitation consent
- North Lowther Energy Initative Ltd v The Scottish Ministers – Wind farm approval challenge
- Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd v Renfrewshire Council – Procedures for challenges to the validity of proposed local development plans
- Trees for Life v NatureScot – Quashing of beaver culling licences
A journal of record
SPEL was launched in 1980 as ‘Scottish Planning Law & Practice’, to be a journal of record of Scottish planning. When it became apparent that the emerging field of environmental law was strongly linked to land use planning, the name of our journal changed to reflect this.
Written by a wide range of subject experts, SPEL Journal includes accessible commentary on topical subjects and current issues; details of new legislation and significant court cases; expert comment on key planning appeal decisions, government circulars and guidance; as well as notes about ombudsman cases and book reviews.
A widely read and valued resource
SPEL Journal is read by decision makers in Scottish planning authorities, planning law practices, planning consultancies, architects, surveyors, civil engineers, environmental managers and developers across Scotland. It is also valued by many practitioners outside of Scotland who need to keep abreast of developments.
An annual subscription to SPEL Journal is £170. For further details or a sample copy, please contact Heather Cameron on 03330111542 or email heather.cameron@Idoxgroup.com.
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