Here at the Idox Information Service, we see our core mission as improving decision making in public policy by improving access to research and evidence. So we are proud once again to be playing a part in the RTPI Awards for Research Excellence.
The awards are intended to recognise the best spatial planning research from the Royal Town Planning Institute’s accredited planning schools, and to highlight the implications of academic research for policy and practice. In addition, the awards recognise the valuable contribution of planning consultancies to planning research and promote planning research generally.
Shortlisted entries
Earlier this month, the shortlist for the 2017 awards was announced. The shortlisted entries for the awards supported by the Idox Information Service are:
Student Award
- Exploring the Potential of Technology in Enabling the Inclusive Co-Production of Space
David Corbett (University of Cape Town)
- The Impact of Land Ownership Patterns on Delivery of New Housing in Brighton and Hove
Amy Kennedy (University of Brighton)
- The Impact of Housing Related Welfare Reforms on the Enactment of Front-line Housing Practices
Nathan Makwana (University of Sheffield)
- Tangible Places for Intangible Products: The Role of Space in the Creative Digital Economy, Tech City, London
Dr Juliana Martins (Bartlett School of Planning, University College London)
Sir Peter Hall Award for Wider Engagement
- A Sustainable and Resilient Northern Power House: A Charrette for the North
Sue Kidd (University of Liverpool), Dr Sebastian Dembski (University of Liverpool), Dr John Sturzaker (University of Liverpool), Dr Alex Nurse (University of Liverpool), Dr Sam Hayes (University of Liverpool)
- An Economic Geography of the United States: From Commutes to Megaregions
Dr Alasdair Rae (University of Sheffield), with Dr Garrett Nelson (Dartmouth College)
Planning Consultancy Award
- Start to Finish: How Quickly Do Large-Scale Housing Sites Deliver?
Rachel Clements (Lichfields)
- Night Blight: Mapping England’s Light Pollution and Dark Skies
Diana Manson (Land Use Consultants), Chris Green (Land Use Consultants), Emma Marrington (Campaign to Protect Rural England)
- Retirement Living Explained
Sam Clark (University of Newcastle) and Andrew Burgess (Planning Issues Ltd), with Housing LIN and Churchill Retirement Living
The shortlist is available on the RTPI website. The winners and runners-up will be announced on 12 September during the 2017 UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference at Queen’s University Belfast.
This is the third time that Idox has given its support to the RTPI Awards for Research Excellence. Information about previous award-winners can be found here.
In this 2016 blog post, Dr Paul Cowie, whose Town Meeting project won the 2015 Sir Peter Hall Award for Wider Engagement, reflects on the impact of winning an RTPI Award for Research Excellence.
The Idox Information Service is the first port of call for information and knowledge on public and social policy and practice. For 40 years the service has been saving its members time and money, and helping them to make more informed decisions, improve frontline services and understand the policy environment.
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In partnership with RTPI, the Idox Information Service has introduced an individual membership offer, which provides a 30% discount on the normal price.
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