Last week we attended the 2014 Wales Planning Conference, which was also the Wales’ Centenary Conference, at City Hall, Cardiff. We were primarily there to highlight our products and services to planners but fortunately we also got to attend some of the sessions.
The key themes and ideas to emerge from this highly engaging event were:
- the launch of the first Planning Horizons paper and its focus on the need for more spatial thinking in policy;
- the need to bring place and space to other disciplines because of the interconnected nature of impact;
- that places must be at the heart of place making;
- that delivery is key, focus on outcomes not process;
- the need to address regional imbalance;
- the importance of green space for both working and home environments;
- the need for adequate supply of housing and its links with social justice;
- that spatial data needs to be in a sharable format across authorities.
The event also highlighted the use of key tools including, we were delighted to note, The map for England which Idox produced in conjunction with the RTPI to help organisations visualise the impact of policies and programmes.
You can see what happened on Twitter that day through Storify: View the story “RTPI Wales 2014” on Storify.
If you’re going why not come and find us at the RTPI Planning Convention on 24 June to find out more about what we do.
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