petrol station pumpsby James Carson

The latest topic briefing from The Knowledge Exchange focuses on sustainable transport.

Until recently sustainable sources of energy for transport were given little consideration in the developed world, but this is now changing thanks to concerns about diminishing oil supplies and the impact of transport on the environment.

The briefing looks at the features of sustainable transport, its benefits, and the barriers that continue to impede greater use of sustainable modes of transport and alternatives to fossil-fuelled vehicles.

As well as outlining green transport policies and initiatives in the UK, the briefing provides information on how other European countries are performing in their approach to sustainable transport.

There are also a number of case studies highlighting examples of good practice, including Copenhagen’s cycling strategy and York City Council’s adoption of electric vehicles for its fleet of vans and pool cars.

You can request and read the full briefing by navigating to this page on the Idox Knowledge Exchange

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