“The evidence is unequivocal – nature is being changed and destroyed by us at a rate unprecedented in history” (WWF) The latest Living Planet report from the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) finds that 68% of the world’s wildlife populations ....
Last month, the French city of Grenoble was crowned European Green Capital for 2022. Since 2010, this award has been presented by the European Commission to cities judged to be at the forefront of sustainable urban living. Being named Europe’s ....
Vlad61/Shutterstock Tom Oliver, University of Reading The future of biodiversity hangs in the balance. World leaders are gathering to review international targets and make new pledges for action to stem wildlife declines. Depending on whether you are a glass half-full ....
A window of opportunity In policymaking, there is a concept known as the “Overton Window”, which describes the range of policies that politicians can propose without being considered too extreme by the population at large. This window of opportunity can ....
From the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement to the pressure placed on governments by worldwide school strikes, the issue of climate change and its effects on the world around us has increasingly risen to the top of the political ....
Earlier in the summer, we shared some of the information our Research Officers had picked up while joining webinars on public and social policy. Since then, we’ve taken part in more of these virtual seminars, and in today’s blog we’re ....
SPEL Journal (Scottish Planning & Environmental Law) has celebrated an impressive milestone this month, with the publication of its 200th issue. Since 1980 the journal and associated annual conference have provided commentary and discussion of topical subjects, new legislation and ....
During the national lockdown, it’s been impossible for most of us to attend conferences and seminars. But many organisations have been harnessing the power of technology to help people share their knowledge, ideas and experience in virtual seminars. In the ....
Huguette Roe/Shutterstock Stijn van Ewijk, Yale University and Julia Stegemann, UCL Every year, we buy 30 billion tonnes of stuff, from pizza boxes to family homes. We throw out or demolish 13 billion tonnes of it as waste – about ....
by Scott Faulds In recent years, cities across the UK have begun to explore how they can best capitalize on technological advances to help to create places which operate in a more efficient and sustainable way. The concept of the ....