Bike sharing schemes are now a familiar feature of the urban landscape. From Montreal to Marrakesh, London to Lublin, more than 1000 cities around the world are learning that bike sharing can play a supporting role in reducing congestion, cutting ....
By Steven McGinty From steam trains to electric trains, bicycles to Segways, the transport sector is constantly innovating. Although much of the excitement revolves around high profile developments in self-driving vehicles and private space travel, there are many up-and-coming technologies ....
By Steven McGinty As cities realise the need to improve sustainability, many are turning to innovative technologies to address challenges such as traffic congestion and air pollution. Here, the ‘smart agenda’, with its focus on technology and urban infrastructure, overlaps ....
In the UK, increased life expectancy means that people can expect to live longer than ever before. While this is clearly good news – and has a number of potential economic benefits – the shift in demographic structure towards an ....
On average, the UK’s population is becoming older and living longer, healthier lives. This is due to historically low fertility rates and reduced mortality rates. Between 2014 and 2039, the government predicts that over 70% of UK population growth will ....
By Steven McGinty For six consecutive years, Melbourne has been ranked the ‘most liveable city’ by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). In the 2016 liveability survey, the Australian coastal city and state capital of Victoria achieved an overall rating of ....
By Steven McGinty In 2013, Glasgow City Council won £24 million worth of funding from Innovate UK (formerly the Technology Strategy Board) that would see the city become a ‘living lab’ for smart city projects. Although Glasgow has been more ....
by Stacey Dingwall Last week saw the annual CILIPS Autumn Gathering take place in Glasgow. CILIPS is the Scottish branch of the professional body for librarians and information professionals in the UK (CILIP). The Autumn Gathering provides professionals in Scotland ....
By Heather Cameron The ‘gig economy’, also described as the ‘sharing economy’, ‘collaborative economy’ or ‘on-demand economy’, has grown rapidly in the UK, a trend that is predicted to continue amid post-Brexit uncertainty. A new study from the McKinsey Global ....
By Steven McGinty According to the Foundation for Information Society Policy (FISP), an independent think tank, London’s poor broadband infrastructure will threaten the capital’s ability to compete with other global cities in the future. David Brunnen, FISP member and an ....