by Stacey Dingwall Earlier this week, the House of Commons Education Select Committee published a report on the recruitment and retention of teachers in England. Announced in October 2015, the Committee took evidence on whether there was a ‘crisis’ in ....
By Heather Cameron The employment rate may have hit a record high of 74.6%, with unemployment continuing to run at an 11-year low, but in-work poverty has also reached unprecedented levels. More than half (55%) of people in poverty are ....
By Heather Cameron ‘Employment rates amongst disabled people reveal one of the most significant inequalities in the UK today’ (The work, health and disability Green Paper, 2016) The government’s recent green paper highlights the extent of the disability employment gap ....
By Heather Cameron The Local Government Association (LGA) last week called for greater devolution of employment and skills funding to councils and a ‘radical rethink’ of the way Jobcentre Plus works. Chairman of the LGA’s People and Places Board said: ....
by Stacey Dingwall In November, the Teaching Schools Council published Ian Bauckham’s Modern foreign languages pedagogy review, which looked at modern foreign languages teaching practice in key stages 3 and 4 in England. The EBacc and modern languages The review ....
by Stacey Dingwall As well as the Idox Information Service, the Knowledge Exchange Team manages two other research portals – Research Online and Evaluations Online. This blog focuses on Research Online, which we developed over 13 years ago and have ....
By Heather Cameron Entrepreneurs are often portrayed as bright young things launching start-ups, but does the reality of start-up demographics paint a different picture? Changing demographics The UK has certainly witnessed a boom in young entrepreneurship in recent years – ....
By Heather Cameron “Science fiction is slowly becoming science fact”. This is what the interim Chair of the government’s Science and Technology Committee said in their recently published report on robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). While admitting there is still some ....
By Heather Cameron Last Thursday was labelled ‘Equal Pay Day’ – the last day of the year women effectively stop earning relative to men – just one day later than the previous year. According to the Fawcett Society, this means ....
By Heather Cameron The government is “committed to making apprenticeships inclusive and accessible to all”. But, unfortunately, this is not currently the case. Just 10.6% of the starting apprenticeships in England in 2014/15 came from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic ....