Buurtzorg roughly translates from its native Dutch as “neighbourhood care”. The model, used extensively in the Netherlands, has attracted international attention as a novel way to deliver community based nursing programmes. Its positive reputation and recorded successes in areas of ....
by Stacey Dingwall The expansion of grammar schools may not have made it into this year’s delayed and reduced Queen’s Speech but another education policy did – the government’s planned ‘major’ reform of technical education. As Her Majesty set out, ....
Guest blog: Matthew Carmona and Lucy Natarajan Here at The Bartlett, UCL we recently completed a major study of the eleven years of publically funded CABE, the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment. We evaluated the work, history, and impact ....
The digital tech sector is the UK’s fastest growing sector. Recent statistics show that it is growing as much as 50% faster than the wider economy. In London alone, a new tech business starts up every hour. Beyond London, digital ....
By Heather Cameron With no shortage of headlines highlighting the record employment rate in the UK, and the increasing number of older workers widely reported, it may seem that the outlook for the ageing workforce is a rosy one. But ....
In March 2017, the 20th Maggie’s Centre was opened in the grounds of Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Falkirk. Designed by architects Garbers & James, it is expected to receive 3000 visits in the first year. Maggie’s provides free practical, ....
By Steven McGinty In March, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published the results of a survey into local government information governance as part of their preparations for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May ....
All too often, valuable results from research reports receive an initial burst of publicity before being shelved and then largely forgotten. But one project has been keeping its research in the public eye by taking its findings onto the streets. ....
By Steven McGinty In March, the London Borough of Croydon was named Digital Council of the Year at the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards – a showcase event for sharing innovation and improvement in local government. The LGC Award judges ....
The question of the sustainability of funding for health and social care services has been in the spotlight recently. The Conservative Party manifesto contained proposals around making individuals pay for more of their social care costs, to deal with the ....